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Project Overview: is an online store that sells a wide range of products in various categories. They approached Pixel Global for SEO services to improve their online presence and increase sales.

Problem: was facing a number of challenges that were hindering their ability to attract visitors and generate sales from their website. These included low website traffic, poor search engine rankings, and a low conversion rate. They also faced stiff competition from larger, more established online retailers in their industry.

How We Helped:

To address’s challenges and improve their online performance, we provided a comprehensive SEO strategy that included the following services:

  • Technical SEO: We conducted a thorough technical audit of the website to identify and fix issues that were negatively impacting its search engine rankings. These included broken links, duplicate content, and slow page load times.
  • Keyword Research: We conducted in-depth keyword research to identify high-traffic, high-converting keywords that we could target with our on-page optimization efforts.
  • On-Page Optimization: We optimized the website’s content to target the identified keywords, including meta titles and descriptions, headers, and content. We also implemented internal linking and structured data markup to further improve the website’s SEO.
  • Content Strategy: We developed a content strategy to target long-tail keywords and provide valuable information to potential customers. We created blog posts and other content to target these keywords and improve the website’s overall content quality.

The Results:

The results of our SEO strategy were impressive:

  • Website traffic increased by 67%, with a significant portion coming from organic search
  • Search engine rankings improved significantly, with the website now ranking on the first page for a number of high-value keywords
  • Conversion rate increased by 25%, with more visitors making purchases from the website

Overall, our SEO services helped significantly improve their online performance, making them more competitive in their industry and driving increased sales from their website.

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